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What is a Debate

Video ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep debat dalam bahasa Inggris.

Timeline Video

Situational Debate


Definition of Debate (Definisi Debat)


Tentang What is a Debate

(Transkrip dibuat secara otomatis - Klik "Laporkan" jika ada yang tidak sesuai) Therefore, we will increase job opportunities for all citizens when we are elected!

No, no, no! The more important thing is our nation’s education.

Therefore, we will grant free education for everyone! Choose us!

Hello mate! Here we are at ruangbelajar with me Kak Dillan!

Pernah lihat situasi seperti di awal video tadi?

Yap, it is called a debate.

Hmm.. kira-kira debat itu apa ya? Dan buat apa sih orang berdebat?

Let’s find the answer in this video!

Oke mate

Debate is a formal discussion in a public forum that talks about a specific matter

in which opposing arguments are presented publicly.

Debat adalah diskusi formal di ruang publik yang membicarakan persoalan

spesifik dimana argumen-argumen yang berlawanan saling disampaikan.

Masuk/daftar akun dan berlangganan untuk akses konten lengkapnya, ya!


Kuis 1 Debate